Back to School Special
Buy Ad-Aware Pro and get 3 months of Privacy Toolbox FREE!
Buy Ad-Aware Now for $29.95From tots to teens, kids of all ages will soon be in school again, using the family PC to prepare projects, play games and connect with classmates. Get ready for the busy back to school season by making sure your computers and private information are properly secured.
Ad-Aware Pro Gives You the Power to:
- Download photos, music and other files with confidence.
- Stay safe on social networking sites.
- Safeguard your secure documents.
- Enhance computer performance.
Lavasoft Privacy Toolbox
Get extra protection this fall semester with the Privacy Toolbox. Permanently remove the information you don't want anyone else to get their hands on, and securely store or send files - knowing it is safe.
Buy Ad-AwarePro Security